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Lego poeple in the colors of the rainbow flag.
The hands of a person using a keyboard.

Eureka Springs, AK

Chris Box

Paul is a light in this world that helps guide you through so many things. He is genuine, trustworthy, and someone you can really feel comfortable working with through your journey.

The hands of a person using a keyboard.

Houston, TX

S. B.

I wanted to share with you how much you impacted my life. You have such a special gift and you shared it with me. I can still tell you the day my life started to shift, it was when I started the healing work with you. You are a guide and helped me see myself thru my wounds. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and love you

The hands of a person using a keyboard.

Dallas, Texas


We were discussing how we felt now with our energy. We both feel our progress and our current more peaceful place is absolutely due to our work with you and our commitment to making change. We both still have our struggles but we handle them differently and have better tools to cope. The self-love part and forgiveness has been key. It’s a strong program to overcome but definitely so much better. Thank you. Truly

The hands of a person using a keyboard

Auckland, NZ


Hi Paul. Thank you for the healing you gave me yesterday,  I will start the new affirmation now.  I'll take everything you taught me to heart.  I am finally being pulled out of the darkness of the woods. I hope I can see you again next time you are here. 


I feel honoured that you made the time for me the other day, and thank you for helping me.   Your light and goodness shone through. Thank you.

The hands of a person using a keyboard.

San Antonio, TX


 I just felt you near me in my meditation about forgiveness. I could feel you breathing over me like I was there in your room in Dallas. I could feel your light. I hadn’t reached that deep in a while and it felt really good. 

I owe you so much. You helped free lots of shit!


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